Valuer General proposes large increases in Greater Geraldton residential valuations

Large fluctuations in State Valuer General property valuations recently received by The City of Greater Geraldton have left the City concerned of the impact it will have on ratepayers.

City of Greater Geraldton CEO, Ken Diehm, said he was disappointed the large fluctuations in property valuations may mean that a significant percentage of ratepayers will not see the benefits of the cost cutting the City has recently undertaken.

“Over the last two years we have cut our costs by more than $2M. This year we have abolished 47 positions from our payroll and will be presenting cost reductions of more than $4M to the Council as part of the Budget process”.

“Whilst there has only been an increase in total valuations of 2.53%, property values have increased by more than 24% in some suburbs. I am shattered that, despite our hard work in reducing costs, these properties may have significant rate increases simply because of these new valuations”

“The Council and the community have made it clear that they do not want to see significant spikes in rates but these new valuations from the Valuer General make that virtually impossible for residents in some suburbs”.

“I have discussed this matter with the Mayor who has instructed me to explore all available alternatives to reduce the impact of the Valuer General’s valuations on our rate payers, particularly for residents who have had a significant increase in their property value”.

“Should you believe that the assessment of your property is too high, you may object to the Valuer General and have your property reassessed,” said Mr Diehm.