Infrastructure Grants now open for incorporated not-for-profit organisations
/Councils and incorporated not-for-profit organisations in the electorate of Durack can apply for funding of between $20,000 and $10 million for capital infrastructure projects under Round Two of the National Stronger Regions Fund.
Melissa Price, Federal Member for Durack said she strongly encourages eligible parties to apply, with the Fund designed to strengthen communities and deliver economic growth within Australia’s regions.
“More than 400 applications were received under Round One seeking funding of over $1.2 billion, reflecting the importance of this programme to Australia’s regions,” Ms Price said.
“Round Two applicants have more time to develop their applications, closing on 30 July, and the quality for this round is expected to be much higher.
“Please seek feedback if you were unsuccessful in Round One and contact my office for assistance.
“This programme presents an opportunity for local councils and organisation to receive funding towards priority projects, and I would hope that all eligible parties submit an application.”
Ms Price said following feedback from stakeholders on Round One, some changes have been made for Round Two.
“Under Round Two, $25 million will be quarantined for those projects seeking funding of less than $1 million. This will create more opportunities in Durack for those who may not need $10 million in funding, but do need a smaller amount to achieve real outcomes,” Ms Price said.
“Applicants will also be allowed to submit two applications. This is a boost for potential applicants in Durack allowing them to target two key projects which may not have been funded by other means.”
The Australian Government is providing $212 million to successful applicants under Round One of the programme.
More information on the programme, including on the application process for Round Two, is available at