Want to be on the Geraldton episode of WA Weekender?
/WA Weekender to film in Geraldton
The City of Greater Geraldton has put a call out for all wannabe film stars, as Channel 7’s WA Weekender programme is coming to Geraldton.
WA Weekender is a lifestyle program that showcases the best of WA. The show will apparently air during prime time to an audience of around 72,000 people.
Local businesses were given the opportunity to pay to be featured in the show.
Two segments will be filmed for the series. The first is "A City on the Beach" focusing on Geraldton's beachfront lifestyle. Segment two is "Amazing Tours" showcasing the various attractions and tours available in town.
WA Weekender will be filming in various locations throughout the CBD and on the Foreshore on Wednesday May 20.
Mayor Ian Carpenter is encouraging people to take part in the action.
“We are asking people to come to town on May 20, visit your favourite café, take your kids to the foreshore and you may have the opportunity to feature in the program,” he said.
The segments will go to air on 13 June and 19 June at 5.30pm on Channel 7 and GWN 7.
Contact the Geraldton Visitors Centre on 9956 6670 for specific filming locations.