School warns parents after a child is approached by persons in vehicle

Have you had the "stranger danger" talk with your child recently?

Wandina Primary School has sent a letter home to parents today asking them and their children to be extra vigilant after a child was reportedly approached by a person/s travelling in a vehicle in the Mt Tarcoola / Wandina area. 

The incident has been reported to Police who are investigating. 

The school reminded parents and children to report anything suspicious to their parents, police and school and provided some other safety tips to help children stay safe.

  • Always travel in a group.
  • Walk on the right hand side of the road so they face oncoming traffic. 
  • Wherever possible, leave space between them and the roadway. 
  • Stay in areas that are well lit. 
  • Stay in view - avoid going into areas that are hidden from view (such as parkland bush or behind shopping centres) and plan trips to avoid such locations. 
  • Be alert - earphones and headphones can reduce awareness considerably. 
  • If they have a mobile phone, have it turned on and ready to dial an emergency number. 
  • If a passing car stops nearby, never get too close. 
  • Provide this advice to brothers and sisters, especially if younger. 
  • Report suspicious behaviour to parents, the school and Police, noting number plates of car and/or clothing or distinguishing features of individuals. 

Emergency: 000
Police: 13 14 44
Geraldton Police station: 9923 4555 (option 4)