Geraldton MLA Ian Blayney has welcomed Commonwealth Minister for Justice Michael Keenan and Western Australian Premier Colin Barnett’s announcement that disaster assistance has been extended to the local government area of Greater Geraldton in response to Cyclone Olwyn.  

The assistance is being provided through the jointly-funded Commonwealth-State Natural Disaster Relief and Recovery Arrangements (NDRRA). 

Assistance available under the NDRRA may include:

  • personal hardship and distress assistance for families and individuals, essential repairs to damaged homes and the replacement of essential household contents
  • financial assistance for local and State government authorities to undertake counter-disaster operations and to restore damaged public infrastructure
  • interest rate subsidies for small businesses and primary producers who have been directly impacted by the cyclone
  • freight subsidies for primary producers to assist with the costs of transporting livestock, fodder or water for livestock and machinery and equipment.  

Mr Blayney agrees that the cyclone and associated flooding had caused widespread damage to the local community. 

“I hope all affected residents and businesses take advantage of this assistance,” said Ian Blayney. 

“This assistance will help ease the financial burden the local council endures when preparing for natural disasters, undertaking clean-up operations and restoring local infrastructure, such as roads and bridges,” the Premier said. 

“The Australian and Western Australian governments will continue to work together to ensure that communities have the support they need during this difficult time,” Mr Keenan said.