Local author and illustrator launch a children’s book
/“For more than 500 years Mr. Boab had lived in the bush with his friends the Kija people and the native animals. Little did he know that his life would change dramatically and that he would take an amazing journey across the country to a new life in the city.”
This is the premise behind The Adventures of an Old Boab Tree, a children’s book written and illustrated by two Geraldton residents, author Maria Flavel and illustrator Jim Evans.
City of Greater Geraldton Mayor Ian Carpenter will be launching The Adventures of an Old Boab Tree at a special morning tea at the QEII Seniors and Community Centre on Friday February 20 at 10am.
Maria Flavel and Jim Evans will be speaking at the launch and special guest on the day will be the City of Greater Geraldton’s Aboriginal Community Development Officer, Nola Gregory.
Mayor Ian Carpenter said he was pleased to be launching such an interesting book, produced by two Geraldton locals.
“The book is a uniquely West Australian story and what’s even more significant is that it is based on true events,” Mayor Carpenter said.
“I would like to congratulate both Maria and Jim on producing such a wonderful piece of work.”
Ms Flavel said the people of Geraldton had been very supportive.
“I have had several orders for the book already and the Member for Geraldton Ian Blayney has purchased a book for every school in Geraldton.”
Anyone interested in attending the launch and morning tea is asked to please RSVP QEII Seniors and Community Centre Coordinator Rosetta Finlay on 9921 2684.