Geraldton Grammar donate hundreds of dollars worth of food

Geraldton Grammar School joined Foodbank in the fight against poverty five years ago. Each year teachers and students rally together and donate hundreds of dollars’ worth of food. This year is no different, with Grammar School’s year sevens’ coordinating and driving change.

Hunger and poverty is at large in Western Australia and this Christmas many will suffer in silence without food, love and laughter. While most spend Christmas rejoicing with family and friends, Foodbank WA are looking at one of their toughest years yet.

Year 7 coordinator Ms Sharon Cole highlighted the importance of helping those in need, especially at Christmas.

“Grammar School look forward to this time of year. Christmas is a time for giving. It’s a time for celebration and sharing. Each year people in our community go hungry and we need to help!

“The year sevens’ drive the Christmas Foodbank Appeal and get the whole school involved. Through this, they learn the importance of giving to those in need,” Ms Cole said.

A Foodbank representative received the donation on Wednesday and spoke of the difference it will make.

“In 2014 there was an eight per cent increase in those seeking food assistance. This year Foodbank has seen another increase due to the mining downturn and our role is to help.”

He explained: “Every little bit makes a difference and it’s fantastic to see all the students getting involved.”

Students buzzed with excitement as they helped load food into the Foodbank truck, which will be distributed to those in need.

To help make a difference this Christmas or for more information, visit the official Foodbank website at