There's a another council election happening to fill Van Styn's seat

Six candidates have stepped forward to fill the only remaining seat on Council. 

The Tarcoola Ward seat remains empty following the election of Councillor Shane Van Styn to Mayor in October. 

An extraordinary election will be held on January 15, 2016. It will be a postal vote election. 

The term expiry for the elected person is 21 October 2017.

Here is a breakdown of Candidates and why they want your vote.

(Candidates have been placed in the following order as they appear on the AEC website) 


In 1997, when I told people in Perth I was moving to Geraldton, they said, 'Geraldton? What do you want to move to Geraldton for, it's the rear end of the world?' I didn't think it then and I definitely do not think it now. Although I was not born here, I am a proud Geraldtonian. Geraldton has become a vibrant city. A city that has made all those knockers eat their words. Everywhere I travel I tell whoever will listen about this great city in which I live. When I last ran for Council in early 2000, a number of people labeled me a tree hugger because I had the occasional beer with a few Greens voters. I said then and I'll say it now. If elected, proposals that benefit the majority of the community will get my vote. Those that don't won't. 



I am seeking your support to be your council representative for the Tarcoola Ward. I work at both the Ibis Styles and The Tarcoola Tavern. I make my decisions based on common sense and speak my mind honestly and without fear. I will listen to any idea, big or small, that when worked through together, can make the communities within Tarcoola a better place to live and prosper. I have the leadership skills that are required to create the atmosphere to develop the opportunities for new industries as well adding to the mix of industries that our city as a regional centre provides. The Tarcoola Ward represents all generations and it is my role to: - Provide Leadership. - Provide support and guidance. - Provide the opportunities that will enhance the well being and development of our community. Thank you. Ron Ashplant

Mobile: 0400 215 031

ELS, Nicholas

I and my family have been 'Geraldtonians' for eight years, and our children attend a local school. As a family, we are active in the sporting community and focused on youth development and creating opportunities. I manage a small management consulting business, and my wife is a teacher at a local school. As a former employee of local council's, I have extensive management and executive experience in local government in the areas of governance and risk, major projects and acting Chief Executive Officer roles in the Midwest Region. I hold a Bachelor of Law Degree and Graduate Company Directors Diploma. If successful; I bring my previous local government experience, a deep passion for youth sporting development, encouraging small business opportunities, and to keep rate increases to a minimum. I will undertake to consult and bring the voice of the Tarcoola Ward residents to the council table.

Mobile: 0424 601 801
Postal Address: 14 Mildwaters Place, Mount Tarcoola Geraldton 6530


I have lived in Geraldton for 35 years, and have forged a long career in the employment and training sector. As the father of two adult children, an active community member, and Life Member of the Geraldton Apex Club, the prosperity of our community is of the utmost importance to me. The massive rates increase inflicted upon ratepayers in 2012/13 saw a backlash on Council the likes that has never been seen before, resulting in most of the then sitting Councilors being tipped out at subsequent elections. I was one of the instigators of "The Ratepayers Demand Change" group that led to legal action being brought against the council over this massive rate hike. This action resulted in much greater transparency in Council operations, and much more open communications. But the job is still only half done and my pledge to ratepayers is to be your strong voice on Council.

Home: 9921 4838
Mobile: 0478 643 027


I have lived and worked in Geraldton all of my life. I have worked in local education in the area for close to 20 years, and been part of a great number of organisations that contibute to the beat of our city. I care about Geraldton and the community. In recent times, Geraldton has grown substantially, but has been able to hold onto, and protect its unique appeal -the very reason people choose to call it home. At the moment, we are facing a number of challenges that threaten the balance of a growing city, and keeping its unique qualities. I want to ensure that these challenges are met. I have no agendas, but a vested interest in our future. I will listen to, and speak on behalf of residents in my decision making- decisions that are of benefit to the greater Geraldton community as a whole.

Mobile: 0427 320 342
Postal Address: 131 Glenfield Beach Drive Drummond Cove 6532


I will represent the grassroots needs of the Tarcoola Ward, by supporting the ongoing expansion of the Wandina Primary School and the development of shopping facilities in Wandina. I will make sure that our parks and recreation facilities meet our community's expectations and are well maintained. Being a working mum, I know how important it is to balance the family budget and get value for money. Your rates are no different. Keeping a lid on rate rises is a priority for me. I am a committee member of a number of local community and sporting organisations. Through my work with these groups and in my professional working life, I have worked hard to ensure quality outcomes that meet the needs of our community. Geraldton is a great place to live, and I enjoy playing an active role in my local community. This is why I am running for Council.

Mobile: 0428 218 049