The Easy Way To Get Rid Of Those Love Handles

Most of us know how hard it can be to tone up those difficult areas - Namely the tummy, thighs and lower back. Even if you live a healthy, active lifestyle with regular exercise, these areas can still prove to be sticklers. 

For those who want to address these problem areas without invasive surgery, there is an alternative.

Skin Geraldton, who are now settled in their new practice at 194 Durlacher Street, are the only people in town using Vanquish – The revolutionary fat removal system.

Vanquish uses radio frequency waves to kill fat cells without damaging skin or muscle. It has been labelled a ‘breakthrough’ by experts. There’s no need for anaesthesia or needles, and sessions are performed in less than hour. 

3 – 4 sessions are recommended for the best results, which will begin to show from 2 weeks after the last session.

Give Skin – A Universal Approach a call today on 9965 4737 or pop in and see us!

194 Durlacher Street, Geraldton WA 6530