Take action now for bushfires
/People in the Midwest Gascoyne are being urged to prepare themselves, their families and property, with ‘Are You Ready?’ Bushfire Action Month beginning today.
Department of Fire and Emergency Services Midwest Gascoyne Superintendent Kim Lambkin said that bushfires are a real threat, with over 220 bushfires occurring in the region last season.
"People cannot afford to be complacent about bushfires, with parts of the Midwest Gascoyne expecting an above normal fire potential due to increased rainfall resulting in higher fuel loads,” Superintendent Lambkin said.
"Bushfires start suddenly and without warning. It’s difficult to predict where or when the next major fire will occur, and it’s essential everyone plays their part in getting prepared.
"Sit down with your family this month and create a bushfire survival plan that clearly says what you will do when a bushfire starts near you.
"Discuss your plans with your neighbours so everyone knows what they will do if a bushfire strikes. This will help you take action and avoid making last minute decisions that could prove deadly.
"Get your property prepared for the bushfire season by creating a 20 metre asset protection zone around your home by pruning back trees, cutting long grass, clearing your roof gutters and removing rubbish.”
A number of community events will be held across the Midwest Gascoyne during Bushfire Action Month to help people prepare for bushfires, including street meets, property walk throughs and community information sessions.
"I strongly encourage everyone to get involved with your local brigade and participate in events being held in your area – it’s a great way to get to know your community and obtain lifesaving information about how to survive a bushfire,” Superintendent Lambkin said.
For information about Bushfire Action Month events visit www.dfes.wa.gov.au/bushfireactionmonth
For more information about how to prepare for bushfires visit areyouready.wa.gov.au