Unlicensed breast cancer charity illegally fundraising
/Consumer Protection has issued an alert concerning the illegal fundraising activities in Western Australia of an unlicensed breast cancer charity.
Reports that Breast Cancer Australia (BCA) has been selling raffle tickets to WA consumers via a telemarketing and doorknocking campaign has prompted this alert. Apart from its unlicensed status, the BCA is also not a current permit holder to conduct raffles in WA.
The licensed and reputable charity Breast Cancer Care WA Inc., which is not affiliated in any way with BCA, has expressed concern about BCA’s fundraising activities. The licensed Breast Cancer Network Australia (BCNA) and the Department of Health’s BreastScreen WA have issued a similar alert to the WA public.
Commissioner for Consumer Protection Anne Driscoll has urged WA donors approached by Breast Cancer Australia to report them.
“We will be liaising with Commonwealth and other State agencies regarding this charity’s activities and urge anyone in WA who has been contacted by this charity to come forward,” Ms Driscoll said.
“While we conduct an investigation into reports of this charity’s unlicensed activity in WA, we urge the public not to donate any funds to this particular charity or any other charity that is not licensed.”
Donors can check if a charity is licensed by searching the list on the Consumer Protection website at: www.commerce.wa.gov.au/charities. Reports of unlicensed charity collections can be made by email: consumer@commerce.wa.gov.au or by calling 1300 30 40 54.