Sand Bypassing works in northern beaches

As part of the Northern Beaches Stabilisation Programme the Mid West Ports Authority today started undertaking sand bypassing which will continue through to Friday November 7.
Approximately 6,250m3 of sand will be transported from Pages Beach to placement sites along the Beresford Foreshore during this time.
The purpose of sand bypassing is to feed sediment into the longshore current operating in a northerly direction along the Geraldton coastline.
Through a coastal process known as littoral transport, the sand by-passing provides sediment to Geraldton’s northern beaches through the action of the breaking waves and the longshore current.
This approach provides a cost-effective way of providing sediment to Geraldton’s northern beaches.
Traffic management will be in place to minimise the disruption to traffic in the area. Where appropriate a water cart will be used to suppress dust and sand movement off the placement sites.
To protect the shared pathway from damage by the sand bypassing transport trucks the Port Authority will place sand over the pathway for the duration of the works.
The sand will be removed on completion of the works. Working hours will be between the hours of 7.00am to 5.00pm for duration of the works.
For further information on these works and the Northern Beaches Stabilisation Programme, contact Project Coordinator, Michael Dufour, on (08) 9956 6600 or email