Emergency beacon activation results in safe rescue

At about 8:45pm on Wednesday 29 October 2014 police responded to an emergency position indicating radio beacon (EPIRB) activation.

The owner of the EPIRB, a 48 year old man from Geraldton, had gone fishing with a friend and had failed to return to his home address.

Police say that the man had set off his EPIRB after experiencing difficulties due to an engine malfunction.

With the assistance of Water Police, a GPS location was provided where the Geraldton Volunteer Marine Sea Rescue group and Port Authority vessels were deployed, subsequently locating the stranded vessel approximately two kilometres offshore.

The vessel, with two persons on board, was towed back to the Geraldton marina safely without further incident.

Police urge all boat owners to ensure that their EPIRB’s are correctly registered with the Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA). They can be registered at www.beacons.amsa.gov.au