This drone could reach a drowning person four times quicker than a human lifeguard

Every year, local volunteer life guards as well as search and rescue operators are put through their paces in the Mid West, but soon a new technology may be available to help keep our coastline safer. 

An Iranian company are planning a purpose built drone or UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle) which drop life preservers to drowning people.

From Bloomberg Businessweek:

Amin Rigi says drones should be used to save lives, not spy or kill. The Iranian, who has a bachelor’s degree in robotics engineering, is launching RTS London to manufacture flying robots that drop life preservers to drowning people. His selling point is speed: A video shot on the Caspian Sea shows his prototype reaching a swimmer in 22 seconds, four times faster than a lifeguard.
Preorders have poured in from 25 countries since Rigi, 27, posted the one-minute demonstration video on YouTube. He aims to ship his drones, which could cost up to $10,000 each, by mid-2015. Rigi, who will soon relocate to London to take part in an accelerator program for tech startups, predicts his business, which is developing an array of rescue robots, “will lead a revolution,” unleashing the power of drones to do good.
Pars is an Aerial rescue robot which is designed and made for saving human lives. The first purpose of building the robot is the relief of people drowning near coastlines. By developing its applications, it can be used in ships and off shore reliefs.

Would you like to see Geraldton surf life savers equipped with technology like this?