Job opportunities for Aboriginal youth

SMYL Trainees Zemma Connell, Talecah Clayton, Tiffany Collard, Zamaria Councillor (Western Australian Country Health Services Midwest) and Maitland Spratt with SMYL Aboriginal Group Training Manager, Ashley Garlett. 

The City of Greater Geraldton has partnered with SMYL Community Services (South Metropolitan Youth Link) by providing young Aboriginal school students the opportunity to work in local government through a school based traineeship.

SMYL is a charitable organisation that offers Aboriginal students the chance to engage themselves in education, training and employment in the program throughout Western Australia.

City of Greater Geraldton Aboriginal Community Development Officer, Nola Gregory, said the City has taken on four trainees for the duration of the program.

“The traineeships allow Aboriginal students to have an insight of working in local government and the different career opportunities that are available,” she said.

“By working at the City, trainees are able to find what type of work best suits them and what they’re most comfortable in.”

The City has the following Geraldton Senior College students:

  • Maitland Spratt – Automotive Traineeship with Fleet and Support
  • Talecah Clayton – Business Traineeship with Community Law and Safety
  • Tiffani Collard – Business Traineeship with the Aquarena
  • Zemma Connell – Business Traineeship with Arts, Culture and Events.

Western Australian Country Health Services Midwest, Geraldton Sporting Aboriginal Corporation and the Commonwealth Bank have also joined the initiative by taking on an Aboriginal School Based Trainee.

Throughout their traineeship students are mentored by SMYL Manager, Ashley Garlett, who regularly visits Geraldton.

Without the traineeship some students would be at risk of dropping out of school and find the transition from school to work hard.

Aboriginal students can apply by speaking to their VET Coordinators. 

For more information about SMYL Community Services and what programs they offer, visit the website on or contact (08) 9430 4921.