What this local charity has accomplished is amazing
I have to be honest... when I first heard about the Midwest Charity Begins at Home "Charity Home" I didn't think something of this scale would be pulled off in a place the size of Geraldton.
But it has.
It's truly remarkable to see what the women from the charity and the community supporting them have accomplished in their short life. They really are an inspiration to anyone who wants to make a difference in their local community.
Please take the time to check out the charity home, share the info, and if you're in the market for a home or an investment, consider the upcoming auction. And show your support to the local businesses that have donated their precious time and resources to making the project happen.
All proceeds from the sale of the property will be going straight to the charity.
Midwest Charity Begins at Home are thrilled with the progress on their first charity home here in the Midwest. Generously donated by Redink Homes Midwest and Geraldton Heights Estate the house will be auction off in October this year.
Midwest Charity Begins at Home Inc raise money for local residents in financial need due to the result of serious illness such as cancer. All money raised from the sale of the charity home, will be distributed as needed back here in the Midwest community through the charity.
“It is such an honour to have this opportunity – we can’t thank Redink Homes Midwest and Geraldton Heights Estate enough,” Charity president Chris Dobson said today. “And for so many businesses to donate their time, their staff, the supplies and products, it is such an amazing feeling, and something we are all very proud of. Everyone has pulled together to make this happen and the buzz out at the house with all the tradies is fantastic.”
The charity would like to extend our sincere thanks to the following who are contributing to the build:
Redink Homes Midwest Geraldton Heights Estate Glass Co Batavia Concrete Structerre Consulting Engineers Central West Pest Control Quantum Surveys CMI (Combined Metal Industries) Geraldton Earthmoving Contractors Rayco Plumbing Bunnings Warehouse Metwest Steel Forrester Electrical Pty Ltd Patience Sandland Midland Brick Independent Timber Supplies Geraldton Hire & Scaffolding Character Cabinets Mitchell and Brown RP Browne Transport SP Ceilings & Insulation Paul Sorensen Mitchell Anick Brendon Plug Byron from Batavia Coast Carpentry Brendon Trant Shapland Plastering
If you wish to visit the home under construction, head out along Chapman Valley Road and turn RIGHT at Webber Road. Follow it all the way to the end and you will come to the entrance of Geraldton Heights Estate.
For more information on Midwest Charity Begins at Home Inc. visit their website at www.charitybeginsathome.org.au or on facebook at https://www.facebook.com/Midwestcharitybeginsathome