Everything Geraldton welcomes Peta Kingdon

Everything Geraldton is pleased announce the appointment of Peta Kingdon to the position of Journalist/Social Media Manager.

Peta has years of experience in the field of journalism, previously working for the Geraldton Guardian. She is currently finishing off a degree in Communications majoring in Journalism through Charles Sturt University.

She's a social media enthusiast who was born and bred in Geraldton, and loves the place.

"I love Geraldton, all my family is here," says Peta. "I was excited when I saw the job come up with Everything Geraldton. It combines the two things I love, journalism and social media."

Everything Geraldton founder, Jason Smith, says he's very excited to have Peta on board.

"We've been growing quite a lot since we launched last year, and it's great to be able to employ locals. Peta seems like a perfect fit for us, so we're very glad to have her on board."

Peta will be handling a large amount of the social media and journalism responsibilities at Everything Geraldton.

If you have any news you want to share with Peta, you can reach her on petak@justeverything.com.au or ring/text 0434 476 332.

if you need to reach Everything Geraldton's head office you can email admin@everythinggeraldton.com.au