St Georges Beach Boat Ramp decommissioned
As a result of a recently completed Boat Ramp Study and insurance assessment, the City of Greater Geraldton is decommissioning St Georges Beach Boat Ramp.
The boat ramp was found to be non-compliant with the Australian Standard relating to boat ramps. In particular, the waves are too high for an exposed boat ramp such as this making it too difficult to safely launch and retrieve boats in the open sea.
However, continued access to St Georges Beach for informal beach launching of smaller boats will be maintained.
For the launching of larger boats the City provides boat ramp facilities at the Town Beach Boat Ramp opposite Francis Street and the Department of Transport provides boat ramp facilities at the Batavia Coast Marina.
The City will engage contractors to decommission St Georges Beach Boat Ramp, and it is anticipated that these works will be completed by the end of October 2013.
Temporary closure of the beach for a short period of time may be necessary in the area of the works and the City apologies for any disruption caused during this period.
For further information please contact Mike Dufour at the City of Greater Geraldton on 9956 6600 or