More beds for aged care
Geraldton MLA Ian Blayney today praised the efforts of all who played a part in the $3.773 million project to extend the Juniper Hillcrest aged care facility to 80 beds.
Speaking at the official opening of the 20 bed Abrolhos High Care Wing extension at Juniper’s Hillcrest care facility in Geraldton, Mr Blayney said the project was an example of what can be achieved when local health care workers and providers effectively collaborated with the State Government.
The project, valued at $3.773 million, received $2.273 million of funding from the State Government’s Royalties for Regions program through the Regional Development Council Action Agenda Fund. Juniper (formally Uniting Church Homes) contributed $1.5 million to the project.
In addition to the 20 bed Abrolhos High Care Wing extension the project also included improvements to the gardens and an extensive outdoor area accessible to all residents.
The 20 bed high care wing extends the existing Hillcrest residential aged care facility to 80 beds.
Funding contributed to the preparation of full working drawings, development of a detailed specification, contracted construction and fit out costs, and commissioning, inspections and licence fees, including Commonwealth certification.
Juniper worked closely with the region’s Aged Care Assessment Team, local hospitals, GPs and community care providers to develop its response resulting in the Hillcrest expansion.
A total of $21.5 million has been invested by the Royalties for Regions in Aged and Community Health projects across the State as part of the Regional Development Council Action Agenda funding round.
Projects funded include independent living facilities, aged care facilities and hospices.
PIC CAPTION: Geraldton MLA Ian Blayney (right) unveils the commemorative plaque at the opening of the new 20 bed Abrolhos High Care Wing extension at Juniper’s Hillcrest care facility watched by Juniper chair Lindsay Wolfe.