App For Geraldton Youth

The City of Greater Geraldton and Everything Geraldton are getting ready to launch Geraldton’s own Youth Application for smart phones.

Youth Engagement Officer Kathleen Williams said “It’s going to be the one-stop shop for everything related to youth in the City and we are extremely excited”.

“Ongoing consultation with the City’s young people has informed us we were missing the mark in connecting with them. This initiative will be the first of its kind for local government in Western Australia that we are aware of”.

The app is being created by Jason Smith of Everything Geraldton and will include a youth calendar, the location of youth spaces and places, job vacancies and training opportunities, a newsfeed to celebrate the achievements of Geraldton’s young people, helplines and a discussion platform.

“We are also inviting our young people to help add more ideas to the youth app and we are inviting young people between 12-25 years to participate in a competition to name the app and provide further ideas to help shape the app into a truly valuable and engaging resource”.

Young people are invited to join the City’s Youth ‘n’ Motion facebook page - Youth 'n' Motion - City of Greater Geraldton and answer the poll question and go into the draw to win some fantastic prizes.

The Youth App will be free to download and will be launched as a part of the National Youth Week program commencing on Friday 5 April. For further information please contact