Letter from woman involved in recent NWCH crash

Hi everyone, I'm Tina

Unfortunately I am the innocent person involved in the accident on Thursday afternoon. Don't ask me for details, that's up to Major Crash unit to sort out and release what information they deem the general public needs to know. Thankfully I am going to be ok, some healing to be done but I am alive and that's all that matters to me.

I would like to send huge thank yous to the public who came across the accident and helped and the ladies who stayed with me, rang my husband and my sons work. I can't thank you enough.

The lady from his work who stayed with him until I arrived at the hospital and my husband also arrived, thank you for your compassion xx. Sharkbay man - thanks for the pillow, made the roadside more comfy under my head xx. Please next time you are in Northampton let me buy you a beer.

The police, ambulance, off duty fireman, the doctors, nurses, orderlies, xray techs and anyboa\dy else who has assisted me since Thursday thank you from the bottom of my heart xx You all do an amazing job and your care could not have been better xx

To the people who see posts announcing accidents on sites like this please STOP asking for details of cars and names of people. There are protocols that have to be followed and if you need to be contacted by authorities you will be. Don't go saying 'oh but I have friends who travel that road'. Instead of sitting on social media actually ring your friends and family to ensure they are safe. If you don't get an answer try again or try another friend. My husband and our son were both at work and our daughter was overseas. They needed to be told of the incident before reading about it on social media.

To the people who hear gossip and continue it on, STOP. We have heard rumors about the accident that are just utter bullshit. Unless you are 150% sure it's correct when told to you don't repeat it. You're not helping anything or anyone.

To the people who immediately blame the road FFS STOP. There is nothing wrong with the road, it is the dickhead drivers who have no consideration for other road users. I do 2 return trips a day between Northampton and Geraldton daily, the road is fine. There are overtaking lanes and safe areas to overtake if you need to. But daily I see people using mobile phones, people overtaking on double white lines, on bends etc. The limit on the road is 110kph and yet I have been overtaken like I am standing still.

I love my family and enjoy going home to them each and every night, so please slow down, stop using phones and concentrate on your bloody driving. There is more than just you on those roads!

- Tina

Crash Update- Two seriously injured

Yesterday afternoon around 3:50pm a crash occurred near White Peak Rd on the North West Coastal Highway. 

Police have issued the following information, and would like anyone who has information regarding the crash to come forward.  

  • No fatalities have been reported by Police. 
  • Two people were seriously injured.  
  • The crash was a head on collision involving two vehicles.  
  • A 42 year old woman from Northampton and a 29 year old man from Dianella were injured 
  • The vehicles involved were a Kia Sorento and a Hyundai Veloster
  • Call Police on 99234555 if you can provide Police with any information regarding the crash.  

Reminder: Removal of dead trees this weekend for safety reasons

Reminder: Removal of dead trees this weekend for safety reasons

Parts of Fitzgerald Street in Beachlands will be closed on 30 and 31 January due to the removal of two large dead trees in the area.

One of the trees to be removed is located between Augustus and Stanley Streets and the other is located just south of Alice Street.

The City is always reluctant to remove trees as they add to the liveability of the City. However in this case, the trees are dead and pose a serious risk to pedestrians, motorists and homes.

Because of the height of the trees, specialist equipment will be brought up from Perth. The trunks will be cut into transportable lengths and stored at the depot for future use.

Traffic management will be in place from 7.30am - 3.30pm on Saturday 30 January and 9.00am-5.30pm on Sunday 31 January.

Police asking for witnesses following hit and run incident

Geraldton Police are asking members of the public who may have witnessed a hit and run incident yesterday to come forward. 

The incident occurred at approximately 8:45 am on Wednesday, 16 December at Marine Terrace and Forrest Street. 

If you saw the incident Police would like you to contact them at the Geraldton Police Station on 9923 4555.

Click here to read more on incident. 

Driver apprehended following hit and run

A fast response from Geraldton Police has resulted in a driver being apprehended following a hit and run in Marine Terrace this morning.

According to Police, a young man was hit by a vehicle on Marine Terrace, and the vehicle took off at speed.

Police used CCTV footage and information from the public to ascertain the location of the vehicle, and were able to quickly cordon off the CBD.

They apprehended the driver shortly after. 

Police said the driver and the passenger of the vehicle are currently assisting Police.

Senior Sergeant Brad Bird praised his team on their response, and thanked the public for their assistance.

The man who was hit was taken to Geraldton Hospital with minor injuries.

Motorists in Geraldton warned following Police impersonation

  • Geraldton Police are advising motorists who are pulled over by a vehicle that they do not think is a Police car to not stop, and to drive straight to the Geraldton Police Station, following an incident in Geraldton last night. 

Acting Seargent Cooney confirmed that an incident occurred last night where flashing lights were displayed by a vehicle that was not a Police car, and a motorist was attempted to be pulled over.

Facebook in Geraldton today has been in a frenzy with posts and reposts of a particular incident. 

Acting Seargent Cooney said he said he could not confirm further details regarding the incident that have appeared on social media at this time, but said that Police wanted to advise motorists that if they were suspicious of a vehicle attempting to pull them over, they should not stop, and instead drive directly to the Geraldton Police Station. 

Location of Police Station


Notice of Road Closure - Christmas On The Terrace

Notice of Road Closure - Christmas On The Terrace

Mall closure on Marine Terrace between Freemasons Hotel and Skill Hire will be in place during the Christmas On The Terrace Event.

Mall closure will be on the 10th December 2015 commencing from 4.00pm – 9.00pm.

If you have any queries please contact 1800 878 546 or Stewart Stellmaker – Traffic Manager - 0409 119 265.

Bushfire Emergency Warning Brand Hwy Muchea - Lives in danger

Note: Brand Hwy closed in both directions from Gingin to Muchea

Bushfire EMERGENCY WARNING for Brand Highway in North Muchea in the Shires of Chittering and Gingin

Sunday 22 November 2015 - 6:30 PM

A bushfire EMERGENCY WARNING has been issued for people near Brand Highway between Byrne Road and Airfield Road in North Muchea in the shires of Chittering and Gingin.

•        The alert level for this fire has been upgraded as it is approaching Brand Highway and nearby properties.
•        Homes along Brand Highway between Timaru Road and Byrne Road are under threat by fire now.
•        You are in danger and need to act immediately to survive. There is a threat to lives and homes.
•        The fire started on the east side of Yanchep pine plantation and has moved into Unallocated Crown Land. It is burning towards Brand Highway.

•        The bushfire is moving fast in a south-easterly direction at 1500m per hour.
•          It is out of control and unpredictable.
•          Burning embers may be blown around your home. WHAT TO DO:
•      If the way is clear, leave now for a safer place.
• Do not wait and see, leaving at the last minute is deadly.
• There is ember attack ahead of the fire, so close all doors and windows, and turn off evaporative air conditioners, but keep water running through the system if possible.
• If your plan is to stay and actively defend, do not rely on mains water pressure as it may be affected. If you have access to a water tank and plan to defend your home, start patrolling with your hose and put out spot fires.
• If you cannot leave, you need to get ready to shelter in your home and actively defend it.
• If you are not at home, it is too dangerous now to return.
•        Your safest option may be to visit family or friends who live away from the area. SAFEST ROUTE:
•        If you live in north of Bore Road leave via Brand Highway to the north. South of Bore Road leave via Brand Highway to the south.ROAD CLOSURES:
Avoid the area and be aware of fire and other emergency services personnel working on site.

A number of roads have been closed including:
Brand Highway between Cockram Road and the intersection of Railway Parade and Brand Highway just north of Muchea townsite.
Road information may also be available by calling Main Roads WA on 138 138 or visit www.mainroads.wa.gov.au

No recreation sites are closed.KEEP UP TO DATE:
Visit www.dpaw.wa.gov.au,www.dfes.wa.gov.au, call 13 DFES (13 3337), follow Parks and Wildlife on Facebook or Twitter @WAParksWildlife, listen to ABC local radio, 6PR or news bulletins.

Updates will be provided hourly unless the situation changes.

Lunatic drivers need seven years in jail

Imagine a man is walking down the mall in the middle of Perth. He is carrying a rifle. He starts firing the gun up in the air.

It's loud. People start fearing for their lives. They duck for cover. But he's not a terrorist. He's just having a bit of fun. He lets off a few more rounds into the sky as parents cover their children who are screaming. Everyone nearby is completely afraid for their lives. 

One of the bullets hits a window in an upstairs building and narrowly misses a young lady's head. 

Eventually he's run out of bullets and wanders off to have a beer. 

The Police eventually catch up with the guy because one onlooker managed to film the event on their iPhone. The man appears before a magistrate, and claims he wasn't meaning to hurt anyone. He has a gun licence and realised now that what he was wielding was a dangerous weapon, not just a hunting tool, and he promises not to do it again. He's really sorry that some people got a little startled, and he regrets his actions. 

But the magistrate is furious. He says the man needs to learn a lesson. So he takes away his gun licence and makes him hand over his gun for 28 days. 


The guy would be all over the front of every newspaper in the country. Authorities would be trying to charge him under counter terrorism laws. He'd be in jail quicker than you could count to zero. He would be sued by every shop, person, or dog that was anywhere near the incident. He wouldn't be able to show his face in public if he ever did get out of prison. He'd have to change his name, and he'd end up living in a two horse town in the middle of nowhere for fear of retribution for the terror he caused to so many innocents. Even his family would have to relocate and change their names after the amount of press their black sheep idiot caused them. 


Every day, idiots do essentially the same thing with a deadly tool, striking fear into the heart of their fellow citizens, when they drive like complete maniacs on our roads. 

And our politicians and magistrates, despite promising to get serious every election, still have not got these people off our roads. 

Sure, they made it more time consuming to get a licence. But I've just watched two teenagers get their licence. All the log books in the world don't make up for the fact that the crappy computer game you have to pass to get your licence is a complete and utter joke. There are still plenty of incompetent people driving around today.

And yes... it's now illegal to have car advertisements that show cars breaking the road rules without little disclaimers pop up on the screens. That will stop people thinking hooning is cool. Clap. Clap. Excuse me while I finish playing Need for Speed then watch Furious 7. (Note, I don't think banning those movies or games is a smart idea btw)

And cops can confiscate people's cars. Yay. But guess what. Tomorrow that same idiot can hop in their mate's car and drive it, even without a licence. Just like so many of them do. Just follow any Police account on Twitter and you'll soon be sick of all the stories of unlicensed drivers being arrested. 

Turns out the cars don't actually ask if you have a licence. They just start when you turn the key. It's as though people handing down the penalties use chauffeurs or something and don't actually realise how cars work. 

Today my wife had her life put at risk by 3... that's right... 3... idiot drivers. She was driving from Mandurah to Geraldton with my 6 month old in the back. 

Here are her words:

“I am fuming right now. 
What will it take Geraldton residents? Yet another mother dead and baby motherless!!
Do you really have to experience it for yourself before you stop over taking a car and truck over a solid white line with oncoming traffic!! If I didn’t pay full 110% attention and slowed down in preparation to make a gap for you to get off quickly my baby and I could have been your next biggest life mistake!!!!!!
Three cars did this to me only ten minutes south of Geraldton going through Greenough. So what if you get home 5 min later than expected! At least then MY family may see me return to give them hugs.”

We have all made dumb mistakes on the road. A moment of inattentiveness. A few seconds of zoning out. HOLY CRAP DID I JUST DO THAT?! We snapped out of it and thanked God for another chance. 

But that's not what I'm talking about. 

What I'm talking about is deliberate attempts to save a few minutes of time by taking massive risks and breaking a clear laws. 

And what's the worst thing?!

The fact that none of us are shocked. We see this kind of thing ALL. THE. TIME.

It's time we charged these people with the crimes they are committing. They have caused terror. They have endangered lives. 

They may not like the sentence. But I'm sure they'd hate having blood on their hands even more. 

Criminal Code Western Australia (link)

304. Act or omission causing bodily harm or danger

(1) If a person omits to do any act that it is the person’s duty to do, or unlawfully does any act, as a result of which —

(a) bodily harm is caused to any person; or

(b) the life, health or safety of any person is or is likely to be endangered,

the person is guilty of a crime and is liable to imprisonment for 7 years.

Driverless cars can't get here fast enough. 

Local man with speed camera warning sign is back at it

Back in March we heard about young Jake who was warning motorists to slow down by parking himself on the road with a slow down sign, up the road from the speed camera. 

​Jake contacted Everything Geraldton at the time:

"Hello I was wondering if you could make a post if anyone spots the speed camera to post it on your page 😊 I have a slow down sign which I was using today and was working great it was slowing down a lot of motorists"

​But his efforts to slow motorists down didn't last long. 

"I got fined and was told verbal to move on and they took my sign till I dispute it in court. $100 dollars and for obstructing an officer while on duty."

We hadn't heard from Jake until this month...

"Back at it again!" He said. "Took them to court and they dropped the charges."

We asked Jake to tell a bit of his story and why he has the sign. 

"I would like to slow down any motorist while driving who might happen to be a few kms over the limit and not pay a hefty fine for that  -  therefore keeping money back in the comunity... makes you think twice about whats going on when i can get fined and my sign taken for slowing down motorist and therefore saving lives."

He also wanted to make clear he doesn't want any money. 

"I'm not doing this for donations so please keep your money in your pockets but thankyou anyway just a simply wave is enough to keep me out there 😊"

Not everyone in the community thinks motorists should be made aware of speed camera locations. Some see it as alowing those who are speeding to get away with it. But others see the cameras as doing little so save lives, and just a money making tool for the government.  

You might notice the 'Revenue Raiser Restance' logo at the bottom of the sign. This Facebook centric group has gained a lot of traction in recent months, supplying their supporters with signage while trying to make more noise about their point of view. They currently have over 35,000 fans and are seeking to rally support for their cause. They claim most Police officers support them, but seem to have many run ins with speed camera operators who get frustrated when a sign is parked down the road from their camera. 

3 die in car crash on Chapman Rd - driver flees

At around 2.05am this morning, police were called to attend a two car crash on Chapman Road in Glenfield involving a Holden Commodore and Ford Futura.

Both cars were on fire when emergency services officers attended the scene.

Three people were found deceased at the scene. Police say these people are yet to be identified.

It is believed that the crash occurred when the Ford Futura collided with the rear of the Holden Commodore.

The male driver of the Ford Futura and sole occupant of the vehicle left the scene after the crash, but was apprehended by police a short distance away.

He has been conveyed to Geraldton Hospital with unknown injuries.

Major Crash officers will arrive from Perth this morning to carry out further examination of the scene.

Chapman Road is closed between Macedonia Drive and Hagan Road until further notice and motorists are asked to avoid the area.