Total Fire Ban for parts of the Midwest Gacoyne, South West and Perth, Perth Hills and surrounding areas including Mandurah for Monday

A Total Fire Ban has been declared for Monday 8 February for parts of the Midwest Gacoyne, South West, Perth, Perth Hills and surrounding areas and Mandurah

This includes the local government districts of: 

Midwest Gascoyne  

  • City of Greater Geraldton 
  • Shire of Carnarvon 
  • Shire of Carnamah 
  • Shire of Coorow 
  • Shire of Chapman Valley 
  • Shire of Dandaragan 
  • Shire of Irwin 
  • Shire of Morawa 
  • Shire of Mingenew 
  • Shire of Northampton 
  • Shire of Shark Bay 

South West

  • City of Bunbury 
  • Shire of Capel 
  • Shire of Collie 
  • Shire of Dardanup 
  • Shire of Murray 
  • Shire of Waroona 
  • Shire of Harvey 

Perth Metropolitan area, Perth hills and neighbouring shires of: 

  • Chittering
  • Gingin
  • Kwinana
  • Mandurah
  • Mundaring
  • Rockingham
  • Serpentine-Jarrahdale

On Monday 8 February 2016 any activity that could start a fire is banned.  

This means: 

  • You must not light or use any fires in the open air 
  • All open fires for the purpose of cooking or camping are not allowed  
  • Hot work such as metal work, grinding, welding, soldering, gas cutting or similar is not allowed unless you have an exemption 
  • You must not undertake any other activities that may start a fire. 

If a Harvest and Vehicle Movement Ban has not been implemented by your local government you are able to harvest or move vehicles across paddocks for agricultural purposes. 

You could be fined up to $25,000 or jailed for 12 months or both if you ignore the Total Fire Ban. 

For information on activities that can or cannot be carried out during a Total Fire Ban visit

If the information you want is not available from the website, telephone the Total Fire Ban Information Line 1800 709 355. 

This information is also available by visiting

Online scam - being investigated

Do not to place orders with the website as WA ScamNet investigates whether the website is fraudulent.

A WA couple paid more than $500 for a barbecue from the website about two weeks ago and were unable to contact the site about their purchase when it wasn’t delivered. 

Investigations have so far revealed a number of issues with the website including:

  • the site was recently registered (late December 2015) and has no established reputation;
  • the ABN used belongs to a company in Queensland, which appears to be unconnected;
  • the site claims to be shipping from Victoria but gives an address in South Australia;
  • the site uses a mobile number belonging to a NSW resident who claims to have no knowledge of or connection with the site;
  • the site has elements which are consistent with it being fake, such as slightly pixelated manufacturer logos and significant price reductions with free shipping included; and
  • a search of consumer review websites reveals claims of payment but non-receipt of goods by a number of customers.

WA ScamNet are making enquiries with Eastern States counterparts as well trying to shut this website down.

Read the full story on WA ScamNet, including tips on safely shopping online.

You can report scams to WA ScamNet via email or by calling 1300 30 40 54.

Reminder: Removal of dead trees this weekend for safety reasons

Reminder: Removal of dead trees this weekend for safety reasons

Parts of Fitzgerald Street in Beachlands will be closed on 30 and 31 January due to the removal of two large dead trees in the area.

One of the trees to be removed is located between Augustus and Stanley Streets and the other is located just south of Alice Street.

The City is always reluctant to remove trees as they add to the liveability of the City. However in this case, the trees are dead and pose a serious risk to pedestrians, motorists and homes.

Because of the height of the trees, specialist equipment will be brought up from Perth. The trunks will be cut into transportable lengths and stored at the depot for future use.

Traffic management will be in place from 7.30am - 3.30pm on Saturday 30 January and 9.00am-5.30pm on Sunday 31 January.

Warning of increase in wildlife feeding on roads

The City of Greater Geraldton wishes to advise of an increase of wildlife on the Geraldton Mount Magnet Road (Southern Transport Corridor).

Wildlife are feeding on grain dropped during transport which can result in animals being injured or killed.

Motorists are encouraged to exercise caution while driving on roads and should they encounter an injured animal to contact a local veterinarian.

Thunderstorm Alert for Mid West

The following alert has been issued by the Department of Fire and Emergency Services (DFES).

Continue to take action with thunderstorms coming in parts of the Midwest Gascoyne

Thursday 14 January 2016 - 5:58 PM

*The warning area for this storm has been reduced in size

If you live in an area bounded by Dongara to Mount Magnet to Meekatharra to Three Rivers to Mount Augustus to Overlander Roadhouse to Kalbarri to Dongara you should continue to take action and stay safe with more thunderstorms to come. 

This does not include Geraldton, Northampton, Kalbarri and Meekatharra. This weather is not unusual for this time of year, but could damage homes and make travel dangerous. 
• If outside find safe shelter away from trees, powerlines, storm water drains and streams.
• Close your curtains and blinds, and stay inside away from windows. 
• Unplug electrical appliances and avoid using landline telephones if there is lightning. 
• If there is flooding, create your own sandbags by using pillow cases filled with sand and place them around doorways to protect your home. 
• Do not drive into water of unknown depth and current. 
• Slow down, turn your lights on and keep a safe distance from other drivers. 
• Be alert and watch for hazards on the road such as fallen powerlines and loose debris. 
• If it is raining heavily and you cannot see, pull over and park with your hazard lights on until the rain clears. 
• Take care in areas that have been flooded and be careful driving on gravel roads as surfaces will be slippery and muddy, and vehicles could become bogged. 
Take care in western parts of the Midwest Gascoyne
The severe weather warning for the area west of Overlander Roadhouse to Kalbarri and coastal parts between Kalbarri and Dongara has been cancelled, but people in these areas should take care when going outside and assessing damage. 

DFES has these tips to help you and your family stay safe once the storm has passed: 

• Keep away from flooded drains, rivers, streams and waterways. 
• Be careful of fallen trees, damaged buildings and debris. 
• Keep clear of fallen powerlines, they are dangerous and should always be treated as live. 
• Assess your home, car and property for damage.
• Check to see if your neighbour needs help.
• If damage has occurred take photos and contact your insurance company to organise permanent repairs.
• If your home has significant damage, like a badly damaged roof or flooding, call the SES on 132 500. 
People are being urged to do what they can to help themselves, if it is safe to do so, before calling the SES for assistance.
Emergency services are currently monitoring the situation.
Road information may also be available by calling Main Roads WA on 138 138 or visiting
As at 4.27pm on Thursday 14 January 2016 the Bureau of Meteorology advises that there is a risk of severe thunderstorms this afternoon and continuing into the evening. At 4:00pm satellite imagery showed a line of possibly severe thunderstorms inland from the coast from north of Northampton to Overlander Roadhouse and moving slowly eastwards.
Storms may be accompanied by damaging winds, large hail, heavy rainfal which may lead to flash flooding. Storms could cause damage to homes and property.
The overall weather pattern is not unusual for this time of year but severe weather may occur in some parts of the warning area.


• If your home has been badly damaged by a storm, call the SES on 132 500
• In a life threatening situation call 000

After a storm State Emergency Service (SES) volunteers make temporary repairs to homes that have been badly damaged, such as roofs that have been ripped off or large fallen trees on homes and cars. Please contact your insurance company to organise permanent.
Visit, call 13 DFES (13 3337), follow DFES on Twitter @dfes_wa or listen to news bulletins.
For the latest weather warnings visit or call 1300 659 213.The next update will be provided when the situation changes.



Warning from local after attempted theft in car park

This week [at a local supermarket], my mother had just finished putting her shopping into the car and popped her purse on top when a pregnant lady approached her in the carpark. The lady asked my mum if she could go into the shop and buy her a few things as she didn't have any money.

My mum locked her car (forgetting to grab her purse) went into the shop and told the nearest supervisor. He and another employee came outside with her, to find the lady AND about 8 other people were about to break into her car and steal her groceries and her purse.

PLEASE be warned about this method that is being used to distract you. Thank you

- Anon

Total fire ban for Tuesday

A Total Fire Ban has been declared for Tuesday 29 December for parts of the Metropolitan, Midwest Gascoyne, Goldfields Midlands and Great Southern regions.  

This includes the local government districts of: 


Perth hills and neighbouring shires of: 

  • Chittering
  • Gingin
  • Murray
  • Serpentine-Jarrahdale 
  • Waroona
  • Armadale
  • Gosnells
  • Mundaring 
  • Swan
  • Kalamunda  

Midwest Gascoyne

  • City of Greater Geraldton
  • Shire of Carnarvon
  • Shire of Carnamah
  • Shire of Cue
  • Shire of Coorow
  • Shire of Chapman Valley
  • Shire of Dalwallinu
  • Shire of Dandaragan
  • Shire of Koorda
  • Shire of Meekatharra
  • Shire of Mount Magnet
  • Shire of Moora
  • Shire of Morawa
  • Shire of Migenew
  • Shire of Murchison
  • Shire of Northampton
  • Shire of Perenjori
  • Shire of Sandstone
  • Shire of Shark Bay
  • Shire of Three Springs
  • Shire of Upper Gascoyne
  • Shire of Victoria Plains
  • Shire of Wiluna
  • Shire of Wongan-Balidu
  • Shire of Yalgoo

Goldfields Midlands

  • Shire of Beverley
  • Shire of Bruce Rock
  • Shire of Cunderdin
  • Shire of Dowerin
  • Shire of Goomalling
  • Shire of Kellerberrin
  • Shire of Merredin
  • Shire of Mount Marshall
  • Shire of Mukinbudin
  • Shire of Narembeen
  • Shire of Northam
  • Shire of Nungarin
  • Shire of Tammin
  • Shire of Toodyay
  • Shire of Trayning
  • Shire of Westonia
  • Shire of Wyalkatchem
  • Shire of Yilgarn
  • Shire of York
  • Shire of Quairading

Great Southern

  • Shire of Boddington 
  • Shire of Brookton 
  • Shire of Broomehill-Tambellup 
  • Shire of Cranbrook 
  • Shire of Corrigin 
  • Shire of Cuballing 
  • Shire of Dumbleyung 
  • Shire of Gnowangerup 
  • Shire of Jerramungup 
  • Shire of Katanning 
  • Shire of Kent 
  • Shire of Kojonup 
  • Shire of Kondinin 
  • Shire of Kulin 
  • Shire of Lake Grace 
  • Shire of Narrogin 
  • Town of Narrogin 
  • Shire of Pingelly 
  • Shire of Plantagenet 
  • Shire of Wagin 
  • Shire of Wandering 
  • Shire of West Arthur 
  • Shire of Wickepin 
  • Shire of Williams 
  • Shire of Woodenilling 


On Tuesday 29 December any activity that could start a fire is banned.  

This means: 

  • You must not light or use any fires in the open air 
  • All open fires for the purpose of cooking or camping are not allowed  
  • Hot work such as metal work, grinding, welding, soldering, gas cutting or similar is not allowed unless you have an exemption 
  • You must not undertake any other activities that may start a fire. 

If a Harvest and Vehicle Movement Ban has not been implemented by your local government you are able to harvest or move vehicles across paddocks for agricultural purposes. 

You could be fined up to $25,000 or jailed for 12 months or both if you ignore the Total Fire Ban. 

For information on activities that can or cannot be carried out during a Total Fire Ban visit

If the information you want is not available from the website, telephone the Total Fire Ban Information Line 1800 709 355  

This information is also available by visiting

Update on water outages in Bluff Point.

Update on water outages in Bluff Point.

Water Outage in Bluff Point

A broken water main in Bluff Point is causing outages to many households. Water Corporation teams are working hard to fix it as soon as possible, and at this stage it will be 2 to 4 hours before the water is restored.We apologise for the inconvenience caused and thank you for your patience.

From Water Corp: free bottled water is available to  community members who are out of water in Bluff Point while we continue to work to repair the broken service.  Collection point is located in the car park behind the Winter Sun hotel.  Water Corporation thanks residents for their patience.


Update: 1:40pm

Water supply has now been restored in Bluff Point. The water pressure will be temporarily reduced until we can increase it gradually and safely.  People who are still experiencing issues with their water supply should call 131375. Water Corporation thanks everyone for their patience and understanding.


Phone Scam - Car Accident Compensation

Scammers are offering compensation for a car accident in an attempt to obtain personal information from victims. 

This phone scam involves scammers asking to speak to 'the person involved in the car accident' supposedly to help them with their compensation claim.

They may pretend to be from an official-sounding organisation which adds substance to the scam, using names such as ‘Road Accident Helpline’ or ‘Accident Investigation Department’. 

The following steps are recommended should you receive any random phone call where you are offered something you weren't expecting:

  • Do not give any personal information about yourself or family;
  • Ask for the caller's name, the name of the business or organisation they are calling from and a phone number to return the call and write them down; 
  • Carry out some independant checks, such as looking in the whitepages or searching the details online. This is usually a good way to reveal that something is a scam; and
  • Call WA ScamNet on 1300 30 40 54 if you need any further advice.

You can report scams to WA ScamNet via email or by calling 1300 30 40 54.

Motorists in Geraldton warned following Police impersonation

  • Geraldton Police are advising motorists who are pulled over by a vehicle that they do not think is a Police car to not stop, and to drive straight to the Geraldton Police Station, following an incident in Geraldton last night. 

Acting Seargent Cooney confirmed that an incident occurred last night where flashing lights were displayed by a vehicle that was not a Police car, and a motorist was attempted to be pulled over.

Facebook in Geraldton today has been in a frenzy with posts and reposts of a particular incident. 

Acting Seargent Cooney said he said he could not confirm further details regarding the incident that have appeared on social media at this time, but said that Police wanted to advise motorists that if they were suspicious of a vehicle attempting to pull them over, they should not stop, and instead drive directly to the Geraldton Police Station. 

Location of Police Station


Consumer scam warning - WA ScamNet

Consumers looking for loans online are again being stung by paying fees or charges upfront to scammers who have stolen the identity of legitimate credit providers.

In the latest case reported to Consumer Protection, a small Sydney based operator, Finance Money Australia Pty Ltd, had their identity stolen.

A WA consumer has lost $4,000 by paying upfront taxes and insurance fees for an unsecured loan. Consumers throughout Australia are feared to have lost up to $20,000 after falling victim to the fake website. This website has now been closed down. 

This type of scam targets consumers who may have had difficulties getting loans from traditional sources. 

Consumers are warned to:

  • not reply to what may be a scam email
  • not click on links in these emails and 
  • be wary of online ads.

You can report scams to WA ScamNet via email or by calling 1300 30 40 54.

Recall on Carlton Dry beer

Carlton and United Breweries has recalled Carlton Dry beer from Coles, Woolworths, liquor stores, Metcash/IGA (BWS, Dan Murphy’s, First Choice, Liquor Land etc.), other independents & on premise liquor outlets (bars, pubs, clubs, restaurants and hotels) nationally.

The recall is due to the possible presence of glass in product. Consumers should not consume this product as glass may cause injury.

Relevant date marks are 19JUL16 3A & 20JUL16 3B. The product can be returned to the place of purchase for a full refund.