Friends of Point Moore Inc.
Point Moore is one of Geraldton’s most iconic locations and every effort should be made to extend the existing leasehold arrangements beyond 2028 and well into the foreseeable future.
The City of Greater Geraldton has commissioned the Point Moore Inundation & Coastal Processes Study in response to the concerns of the Department of Planning over the threat of inundation to the area. I believe that the report’s modelling used extreme inputs, required by State Planning Policy SPP2.6, which would have always produced extreme outcomes.
We believe that all lease holders, residents and the wider community of the CGG would appreciate the opportunity to work with Council, all levels of government and non-government organisations to achieve a fair, equitable and positive outcome for all stakeholders. This would include developing and implementing sound, environmentally engineered strategies to minimise the risks associated with future inundation concerns.
In the near future when similar studies are applied to the remainder of the CGG’s coastline, including the CBD, the outcomes will show a much greater level of risk exposure than that predicted for Point Moore.
Recent dune stabilisation and enhancement projects undertaken by the Point Moore Coast Care Group in partnership with the CGG have achieved environmentally sound and economically viable results. Similar strategies led by partnerships between community and government agencies could greatly mitigate the risk of perceived future inundation.
As we believe the CGG have a social and moral obligation to provide and maintain an environment that creates a prosperous, strong and vibrant community I would like to see the CGG adopt a ‘real world’ approach when considering the findings of this report.
If we lived our lives based on risk alone, would we travel in cars, planes or swim in our oceans?